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Today, I’ll talk to you about 3 thing that I’m keeping in mind to stay healthy!

①to drink 2 liters of water
When I work, of course I drink water, and on my day off I always have a water bottle with me.
The purpose of this is to remove waste products.
Also, I always drink room temperature or warm water because I easily get cold, so I want to keep my body’s temperature at a comfortable level.

②I cook vegetable soup or something like that for my lunch because I’m trying not to buy from supermarkets or convenience stores. I also include some nuts, prunes or oatmeal as a little snack afterwards.

③I don’t eat sweets in the morning.
Before, I used to eat sweet bread for breakfast. That’s why I always got cravings to eat sweets during the day.
I knew sugar can be quite addictive so I stopped eating sweets in the morning.
Now I usually eat a banana, yogurt, or eggs… so now I think my cravings for sweets are a lot lower compared to before!!

I’m trying my best to do these things as much as possible everyday, because I really like to eat and drink😂✨

Thank you!
Have a good rainy season 🌈